by Heather Hermant, a rawlings, and Chris Turnbull
Cue Books, 2015
Cue Books, 2015
o w n is a collection of three distinct works by a rawlings, Heather Hermant, and Chris Turnbull. rawlings’ unstageable play “How to Manage a Conservation Conversation” is included, as is an afterword by Sarah Dowling.
“By inquiring into what can make us shatter, break apart as individuals, communities, ecosystems, these works also offer some ideas about what can hold us together.” – Sarah Dowling
“In o w n, three poetic works come together into the community of a book, to voice a sense of non-self, of intimate contact with, and indistinction from, non-others.” – Sonnet L’Abbé
“Three poetic takes on the senses of 'own,' from (dis)possession to acknowledgment, and of the responsibility that recognition brings. These playful, site-specific choreographies address fragility, 'glass delusions' and communal fears. o w n exposes gross transparency, listens dialogically, to acknowledge that THE NATURE will not do what it is told. Our feelings, for instance, own several roles. Riding tandem with the 'mourning cloak,' you’ll want a copy for the map case. An exquisite, thought-provoking book.” – Jonathan Skinner